Petition to Texas State Government - End Political Immunity to Texas Law

Press Release

Date: Jan. 1, 2013

Texas Governor
Texas State Senate
Texas State House


Respecting all our Texas families assaulted by government corruption, malfeasance, or prejudice at the local, state, and federal levels and further aggravated by official claims of immunity and absolute immunity to our laws; I, Johnny Partain, and Texas citizens subscribed herewith sustain that when public oppression becomes so great as to affect our families and our way of life, that public officers shall be accountable to our laws. Accordingly;

Be it known that we free people of Texas have already established that NO PERSONS SHALL BE ENTITLED TO MORE PRIVILEDGE OR IMMUNITY TO OUR LAWS THAN ANY OTHER PERSONS, as provided by our common pact and documented in our Texas Constitution and Statutes;
That when Our authority blessed unto the offices of our great state of Texas are abused and corrupted, no governor, no law maker, no judge, may claim immunity to the law, but may only be accorded very limited considerations balanced with copious accountability.

BE IT RESOLVED that WE THE PEOPLE OF TEXAS, witnessed by our signatures and our purpose hereto, do hereby demand of our Republic's representatives that "NO PUBLIC ENTITY OR OFFICIAL SHALL ENJOY ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY TO THE LAW", and that every public office through its officers shall be responsive to civil, criminal, and equitable due process when our laws or our citizens rights are violated.

Johnny Partain
